The great blessing of FPE is that TVs can have a reasonably satisfactory outlet for their desires without people ever finding out. If husbands are considerate of the legitimate concerns of their wives and wives are toler- ant of the needs of their TV husbands, there is no reason why a modus vivendi cannot be worked out, so that the concerns of both are given consideration.

I have known Virginia Prince for almost ten years, and I have met several others. You may assure your wife that they are all decent, fine people, who are trying to find a way to live with a difficult problem. Without Virginia Prince and the people engaged with her in her work, people like you would still be wandering around in darkness with no one to help them. I think Virginia Prince is a real blessing to TVs all over the world, and far from making money out of her activities, she has probably sacrificed more economically than anyone else in the move- ment to educate the world as to what TV is all about.

I wish I could help you more, but for the moment, this is all I can do. I sincerely hope that your wife will tolerate at least your getting acquaint- ed with the FPE group nearest you. It would be a wonderful outlet for you, and ultimately would help her.


Rt. Rev. Msgr. Adrian I. Dwyer

(Ed. Note: This is a letter written by Msgr. Dwyer to an FP who, in turn, sent it to me. It is reprinted here with the thought that it might be helpful to other readers, too.)

Dear Virginia,

* *


In her very good comments on Susanna's article about going full time femme in TVia No. 61, Sheila dusted off and brought out Myrtle and myself, the two antiques in the TV museum. So I am writing to say that in general I very much agree with her.

In my very long TV life it was not till almost middle age that I found out from Havelock-Ellis and Hirschfeld that TV's were not HS at all, then much more information from TVia. Also that Contact is the only safe way to find other TV's. Having had too little chance to dress and now little inclination; I have mostly day-dreamed of it, and formed many theories that seemed O.K. till I found a case that upset them. So all I am sure of is that in some way TVism has a sexual base, as it lessens very much with the loss of the sex urge. Still it reappears strongly after reading a good story or article in TVia so there you are again.